If anything, I think remaking RE4 today would actually highlight its flaws. But what else? Adjust Leon's movement and aiming to be a little less stiff? Expand on the context-sensitive actions, like kicking enemies or jumping out of a window? None of that would be worth it. Revel in the gore of Leon getting chainsawed in half, of a plagas parasite bursting out of the neck hole of its zombified host and writhing in the air. What would Capcom really change? Sure, they could make it prettier.
Any remake of Resident Evil 4, at least right now, would just be a shallow reskinning of the same damn game. Because Resident Evil 2 and 3 belong to a different era and had to be changed so fundamentally after 20 years, the remakes easily stand apart from the originals as wholly different games. Almost all developers have left those static camera angles and 'tank controls' behind, except for indies deliberately evoking the sensation of late-'90s horror games. Looking back, it's hard to believe there's barely more than a five year gap between Resident Evil 3 and 4, but that's how quickly technology and game design were evolving at the time.